Blow the Boat

Divide the participants into groups of 5 or 6 people each. Give each group a sheet of paper and give them time to fold their own paper boat. Designate a starting and a finish line. The objective of the game is to make the paper boat "sail" from the starting line to the finish line by using only air power (blowing). Have everyone place their hands behind their backs to prevent them from touching the boat. The first group to make their paper boat reach the finish line wins.

Variation: Blow the cup
Put a hole through the bottom of a plastic cup and thread a long string through the hole. Suspend the cup by tying the ends of the string to two chairs. Set the chairs apart to tighten the string. A person from the team blows the cup to move it from chair to the other, then brings back the cup with her hands. The next in line does the same until everyone in the team has had his turn. The first team to finish wins.

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